Nose weight may be measured using a propriety brand of nose weight indicator.
Such equipment is obtainable at your Caravan Dealer.
Note: These indicators have a varying tolerance level and may not be accurate.
Another simple method is to use bathroom scales under the coupling head with a piece of wood, fitted between the coupling head and the scales, of such length that the caravan floor is horizontal with the jockey wheel raised clear of the ground. (Fig. A)
Measuring Nose Weight
Nose weight can be adjusted simply by distribution of weights in the caravan.
Always lower jockey wheel before entering the caravan and then raise before measuring again.
(See Loading).
Note: Fitting cycles to the rack will alter the nose weight. Take particular care if you do not always carry your cycles, to rebalance the caravan before each journey.
Note: The height of the towball on the towing vehicle, when laden, is also critical.
To comply with UNECE regulation R55 the towing vehicle tow ball should be between 350mm and 420mm from the ground.
WARNING: Do not lift the coupling head by hand when hitching the caravan to the car.
Always raise and lower the coupling head by winding the handle on the jockey wheel up and down.
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